Hoag Family Foundation Questionnaire "*" indicates required fields *** Thank you for your interest in the George Hoag Family Foundation’s funding process. Based on your responses, your organization is not currently eligible for grant consideration at this time. If for any reason you believe that you have received this notification in error or would like to speak with a staff member about your request, please do not hesitate to contact the Foundation Office at 310-664-1358. *** Based on the Foundation’s mission, funding priorities, geographic area of support and current granting, do you believe that your organization is a strong candidate for consideration?* Yes No Is your organization an independent 501c3?* Yes No Has it been over 12 months since your last funding request?* Yes No If you have received a previous grant from the Foundation, have you submitted a report on that funding? (new applicants select yes)* Yes No CommentsThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.